Why Working Mothers Are Happier and Healthier Than Stay-at-Home Moms

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Working at home or at the office has their own benefits. However, studies show working mothers are happier and healthier compared to mothers staying at home. Nonetheless, either of the two are both difficult scenarios.

So, what makes working mothers happier and healthier? Here are some of the reasons.

Less symptoms of depression

The American Psychological Association released a study about it. Particularly,  full time or part-time mothers who are working have a strong well-being. They also perceive that their work contributes in their family life. Working moms then feels that they are also a better parent. An empowering force in the life of their children, and that’s empowering.


They worry less

One of the primary factors that triggers worry among stay-at -home mothers is their income. According to the Gallup study, worried and stress is higher among mothers who are unemployed or low-income earners. It’s understandable to worry, that’s why it’s important to always consider talking to your partner or a friend about your situation. Always find time to clear your head, it’s not a crime to relax, mom.

happy woman wife

Healthier and happier

The same study also showed that there are more obese housewives compared to those working moms. The key difference is their lifestyle. Women at are less likely to exercise and ate more. This could be because of their home-cooked meals and eating their kid’s leftovers.

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Lesser stress

Working moms are also less stressed than stay-at-home moms. We’re not saying that working moms are more relaxed. The idea comes from the fact that working moms are more prone to prioritize what situations should trigger stress or not. However, this doesn’t mean that working moms should just ignore their mental health. It’s great to be able to control your stress, but it’s better if you really know how to deal with it appropriately, right?

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Healthier for the kids

Babies really won’t understand the help that your extra paycheck brings. But having an extra paycheck goes a long way. Also, having a great babysitter to look after your kids is one way of opening your children to other people. Of course, it’s important to always remind them that mom will is and will always just be a call away. They also try to be independent early on which makes it easier for them to learn.

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However, regardless if you are a working mom, part-time working mom, or stay-at-home mom, you’re still their mother. These studies are just supplements to help us decide what’s best for us. Remember that choosing between being a working mom or a stay-at-home doesn’t really mean the other one is better than the other.

So, what’s the solution? Empower women, especially mothers, to join the labor force. We have to find ways to make our mothers happier and healthier. Also, always remember that, even if you’re a stay-at-home mom, your health is important, too. Watch what you eat and talk to someone for support. It’s never too late to start now and be happy and healthy.

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