Food myths are some of the most rampant problems in our society. The news tells us what to eat. Daytime talk show hosts tell us what to eat. Even our aunties tell us what we should eat. Well, science has taken a cold, hard look at the most famous food myths to find out if there’s any truth to the falsehood. Check out the answers below!
Myth: Milk makes bones strong
Truth: This myth has been spoonfed to the world for generations, but multiple studies have shown that this simply isn’t the case. Calcium-full as milk is, you won’t be any less likely to break a bone by drinking more of it. Want proof? This study found no correlation between higher milk consumption and reduced bone fractures: Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in women and men: cohort studies.
Myth: Organic food is better for you
Truth: What’s considered “organic” varies wildly from place to place, and doesn’t always mean “pesticide-free”. Many studies have shown that objectively, organic foods demonstrate no nutritious advantage to conventionally produced food. Check out the source here: Nutrition-related health effects of organic foods: a systematic review
Myth: Children can get a sugar high
Truth: It’s long been thought that children can get a so-called “sugar high” from eating too many sweets or sugar-dense foods, but science tells a different story. The sugar high myth was invented in 1978 but several studies since have conclusively debunked it: sugar intake has no effect on hyperactivity. Not that that’s any excuse to let your child have that extra candy bar. For more information, check out this article: Parents won’t believe me, but ‘sugar rush’ is a myth
Myth: Low-fat means fewer calories.
Truth: You’ve probably seen lots of your favorite food brands come out with “low-fat” options, but we will set the record straight: low-fat foods do not, by necessity, have fewer calories or are even better for you. Fat helps you feel fuller, so it’s likely that you will end up eating more of the low-fat option than you would have with the “fat” option. In fact, most low-fat products make up for the taste deficit by adding in more sugar. Before you buy the product, read the ingredients list first! More information can be found here: Is less always more? The effects of low-fat labeling and caloric information on food intake, calorie estimates, taste preference, and health attributions.
Myth: Coffee is bad for you
Truth: Rumors have been going around about coffee for years, that it will stunt your growth or get you addicted. But the facts don’t lie: coffee can have health benefits! In fact, coffee contains essential nutrients such as Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium and Niacin. Studies show that coffee can make you happier and reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s and dementia. Check out the link for more information: 13 Health Benefits of Coffee, Based on Science