Journal writing is one of the most popular trends today. Everyone is writing journals of every kind, but not everyone has found the right journal for them. If you are looking for a little inspiration to get yourself started in journaling, see the list below and find which one interests you!
Dream Diary
Have you ever had a dream that you forgot mere moments after you awoke? Try keeping a dream diary. They are excellent for documenting and interpreting dreams. It’s rumored that dreams are the best source for understanding your mental state, so you can keep on top of what’s going on in your head by keeping a dream journal.
Writing Journal
If you want to practice and improve your writing, try keeping a writing journal for those little writing snippets that come and go. Here, you can try writing exercises, create the first draft of your next big story, and much, much more.
Gardening Journal
Track the growth of your gorgeous garden using a gardening journal. Not only are they practical, but they are a fun expression of any plant project. You can draw sketches of your flowers and write lengthy descriptions of your favorites.
Bullet Journal
Bullet journals are perfect for planning and attaining your goals step by step. They are creative, organizational, and entirely customizable. If you want to combine your diary, sketchbook, and planner, try using a bullet journal!
Letter Journal
Write your significant other, close friend, or other important person in your life letters with a twist. Instead of writing a series of separate letters, try maintaining an exchange in a notebook. These journals will keep all your precious letters in one place so that you can keep them as a memento forever.
Quick Journal
Quick journals are for those fleeting, disconnected thoughts we all have that are worth writing down. This type of journal is entirely up to the writer. You can write one sentence, or a single word to describe your day. It’s fun and easy!
Art Journal
Now this one isn’t exactly writing, but it does qualify as journaling. Art journals are some of the most fun as they are a great way to test out new mediums and styles. You can combine photographs, little scribbles, and all sorts of things.
Travel Journal
A travel journal isn’t as high maintenance as other journals, it’s something you only update while going on new trips trying new things. It’s especially fun to look over your first impressions of new places after time has passed!