In case you’ve been living under a rock, or sans social media, Pokemon Go is everywhere. Children to college kids have turned into crazed fans of this nostalgic brand that is back.
According to its Wikipedia page, Pokémon Go is a “free-to-play location-based augmented reality mobile game.” Umm…wait what? Since it’s launch, less than a week ago, I have not yet ventured into the augmented reality of the all-ages form of entertainment. However, my son has, and agreed to let me interview him about the app.
Name: Cameron
Age: 7 (and a half)
Interests: Legos, mild OCD in organizing said Lego sets, soccer, harrassing his sister to no end, and now Pokemon GO
Ok, What is Pokemon GO?
Cameron: A reality Pokemon game.
So it’s a game in real life or how do you play it?
Cameron: You walk around catching Pokemon.
I know but where are they?
Cameron: Where are they? Umm…everywhere!
How do you find them?
Cameron: You can check this tab in the bottom right-hand corner, and as many steps or feet are under the Pokemon…(trails off in thought) Mom, it’s kind of complicated here.
If it’s complicated how do you even get how to play?
Cameron: That means okay, if there are three steps the Pokemon are 300 meters away. If you get more and more of the same Pokemon, you get more of the Pokemon candy.
Wait what?
Cameron: That’s actually what it’s called (he says emphatically like I have one iota of a clue what Pokemon candy is or if augmented reality calories count or not).
What’s your favorite character so far?
Drowsy (“no that’s not how it’s spelled” he interjects). Drozze.
Ok no, that’s too hard to spell I’ll choose a different one. That’s not my favorite anyway.
Because it looks awesome.
And my BeeDrill is powerful.
What level are you on?
Cameron: I’ve been playing for about four days. Right now I’m on Level 3. I feel like I need to play more.
What’s one thing you’d like to tell parents about Pokemon GO?
Cameron: There’s this rumor that people say if you feel like you’re gonna miss, if you tap your ball it might come back to you.