Sibling rivalry — everyone with sibs know what that is. And with kids, it all boils down to[More...]
Parents, Disapproving Your Teen’s Drinking Habits is Actually Good, Says Recent Study
A University of Adelaide research team recently conducted a study investigating teenagers and their[More...]
Why Does Your Cat Feel the Need to ‘Clean’ You?
You’re lounging on your sofa watching your favorite show. In comes your cat, climbs up to your[More...]
Dad Shows His Brand of Tough Love to Kids with Funny “Sorry, I’m Late” Notes to School
Fathers are seen as the ultimate figures of discipline in the family. Their words are law and even[More...]
5 Ways to Teach Toddlers How to Deal with Their Emotions
Little kids’ minds are like dry sponges absorbing everything around them. While this working of[More...]
10 Back-to-School Tips for Parents
Back-to-School is as an important a season to students as it is to their parents. The staples of[More...]
5 Hair Facts that are Total Phonies!
Evidenced by ages of personal testimonies and cemented into facts by countless papers in print[More...]
Fun Summer Crafts That Are Great For Kids
A lot of parents have a tough time trying to keep their children occupied over the summer, but[More...]
Very Simple Ways to Stop Stress Eating
When we’re stressed, most of us tend to deal with it by eating what we consider our comfort[More...]
15 Things Only Youngest Siblings Would Understand
Being the youngest in the family has a lot of perks, but it’s not always sunshine and[More...]
Top 3 Best Cars For Dads
This time of your life is a turning point, especially if you are a dad to be. Everything[More...]